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So how do we house train our new Bulldog? What if he or she just doesn’t seem to get it? Believe it or not, it’s simple. I have two key words for you: CONFINE and OBSERVE.

While there is a great deal to know about food and water scheduling, timing can vary from dog to dog. (Feeding only two times daily “first thing in the morning” & again around “4-6pm in the evening” is a good start. Try to limit water after 7pm.) Now we’ll just concentrate here on the main concept which is to confine your French or Englsih Bulldog dog (puppy) to an appropriately sized crate when you cannot observe him.

A properly sized crate is large enough for your Bulldogdog to stand up and turn around, but hardly bigger than that. If you have a puppy in a large crate, he’ll think he’s got a bedroom with a bathroom built in. He’ll wee in one corner and sleep in the other. The correctly sized crate consists of bedroom only with no “bathroom.” So if your crate is too large, go to the pet store and purchase a crate divider so you can temporarily reduce the accessible area.

Your Bulldog should be in his/her crate unless you can observe him 100%. This means that when your Bully is loose, he/she has your undivided attention. Consider attaching a 6 foot light cord to the collar so you can more easily locate the dog, and prevent her from leaving the room without you. Simply step on the cord to stop him/her. At the first sign your Bulldog puppy needs to go, whisk him/her outside. Those signs include circling, sniffing, anxiousness, whining among other symptoms.

When you’re not observing your bully puppy with full attention, you confine her/him to the crate. That being said, you do need to ensure your dog has liberty periodically so he’s not all day in the crate. By being diligent now, you’ll be able to give your Bulldog years of liberty with no worries. So it’s well worth the investment in time at this stage. Be sure you spend time playing with your Bulldog puppy, and also let him or her wander outside the crate.

Avoid tossing your bully in the crate as punishment. Alleviate your guilt feelings by placing toys in with him/her. This method makes it impossible for your bulldog to have an accident. You’re either right there to take him/her out, or he’s in the crate where your bulldog normally won’t want to go. When you’ve had a month with no accidents, you can begin to let you bulldog earn a little more liberty, five or ten minutes at a time. That means he/she can be out of your sight for a few moments at a time. But only a few. You want to build slowly on a record of success until your dog literally forgets that the house ever contained a bathroom.

For each week with no accident, you can give your bully a few more moments of liberty at a time. However, if there is an accident, go back a step, and reduce that liberty. One accident in the house erases progress made for the several previous days.


Confine and Observe your way to house breaking success. In the course of just two or three months, you’ll have a dog you can trust in the home. It’s going to be worth the effort!

TO or NOT to use puppy training pads: If you use pads it will be harder for your puppy to understand it must go potty outside. Potty training a dog is one of the most frustrating things you will have to do. Take heart in the fact that once your dog gets the potty training, you won’t have to teach it again. In many ways, potty training can be rewarding too. Not only can you help your pets to stop making messes on your favorite carpeting, but you can develop a strong relationship of trust and bonding with them to.

Here are 5 steps to make potty training successful in your home:


1.Use a crate. Crate training is very effective. A crate is used to allow your pet to have a place to sleep and teaches them to control their bladder. They won’t soil their bedding. Then, when it is time to get up and go out, you can easily do just that. The dog learns from the start that you control potty time.


2. After meals, give your pet 15 minutes and then take them out. Food is a trigger not only to eat but also to go. When it comes to potty training success, allow your pet to get outside when the urge is approaching. What’s more is that you shouldn’t leave food out. Put it down for them at the designated time and allow them to eat for 15 minutes to 30 minutes and remove the bowl. Soon he will learn and that again allows you to control potty time.


3. Pick a potty spot. Select the area of your yard that you want your pet to go in. Take them to that spot every time to go. This will help your puppy to learn that when he needs to go, he needs to come here. What’s more is that the smell of urine is yet another trigger to your pet to go.


4. Remember that rewards need to be emotional, and therefore it is more successful to give them a reward of a patting and rub down then it is for you to hand them a treat. Also, treats are food which triggers potty time again!

5. Reward success, and limit punishing accidents. Although you will be angry and you will want to punish your Bulldog remember Bulldogs respond much better to love. Caring for your bulldog is hard work, but very rewarding! When it comes to potty training, success will come much faster when you install these five tips into your program! Best of luck potty training!