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When traveling with your French Bulldog there are a few things to remember:


First and foremost, ALWAYS make sure that your Frenchie has all his necessary vaccinations (along with a health certificate) to bring along with your trip. If you will be traveling by car please check our Riding in Cars page.


Second, be sure that your French Bulldog has Identification. This is just as important as you carrying your wallet with your ID. Your Frenchie should always have a collar with ID tag that contains your name and phone number. If your Frenchie gets lost somehow, that could be the only ways he gets back home. Another option (and sometimes reqired for travel, boarding, flights, etc.) is to microchip. This way if your French Bulldog were to lose his ID tags, he could still be scanned for the microchip and be reunited with his owners. For more information on micro chipping talk with your local vet or visitHomeAgain. There are, however, a few different brands of microchips, so speaking with your vet would be best.


If your French Bulldog is on medication, bring plenty of it so you’re not running out of medication when it’s needed. It would also be a good idea to have your veterinarian’s contact information and health records in case you lose the medication, so the vet can call in a prescription should the other get lost.


Is your French Bulldog well socialized? See our Obedience Training page. A well socialized Frenchie will travel more easily and tolerate the stress of traveling better than a Frenchie that is not used to being in a car or around other people. You want the trip to be enjoyable for both you and your French Bulldog.


Is your French Bulldog well behaved? Although many places allow pets, no one wants to your Frenchie barking all night or during the day. You also want to keep your Frechie occupied so it’s not chewing on the hotel furniture or going potty on the carpet. You don’t want your hotel room to smell like a kennel, and neither does the hotel staff.


Also remember that, unlike many breeds, French Bulldogs need to stay extra cool! There are several different ways you can help your French with this: air conditioning whenever and wherever possible, have plenty of water (and ice if possible) on-hand, a Kool Collar, or some sort of cooling vest. Your Frenchie will thank you for it!


You should also consider bringing along your Frenchie’s food dishes, bed or pillow and a couple of his favorite toys. Having familiar items along for the trip can help ease the stress of traveling and make the trip more enjoyable for both you and your French Bulldog. Most importantly, bring your Frenchie’s OWN food. Trust me – this is not the time to get experimental with your Frenchie’s digestive tract. (If you’ve ever changed your French Bulldog’s food all of a sudden, you know what I mean.)


If air travel is in your plans for you and Frenchie, you will need to purchase an airline crate. Airlines require these unless your dog is small enough to be considered carry-on luggage. There are many useful websites on pet friendly airlines and hotels. See below for some.


Lastly, HAVE FUN! Your Frenchie will love you all the more for including him in your family vacation.


Pet friendly hotels and airlines for you & your French Bulldog:


United Airlines

Delta Airlines